I continue to conduct online bible teaching to encourage the church planters to press on to do the ministry work of Jesus as we are in the end times. They shared how the words of God touch their hearts and motivated them to do God's works.

The situation in Myanmar is still very bad and complicated. I continue to give financial assistance to church planters for preaching gospel, feed the poor and orphans. During this crisis, many unbelievers have lost hope but we give them hope in knowing and believing Jesus.

Now not only people in Myanmar experience high cases on Covid-19 virus infection and death, but they also experience severe flooding and potential civil war. Many people have no food and have given up hope for living. Only God can do the miracle works.

In these challenging times, through the grace of God, we use our resources to give them some food and help them spiritually.
Jesus Christ is coming back for us very soon, therefore our resources that God bless us is for the advancement of the Kingdom of God so that many unbelievers will be saved before Jesus come back.
Let pray for Myanmar that God will:
- Control the situation and many people will find hope and believe in Jesus
- Give strength, protection, and providence for church planters to do ministry work
Thank You for Your Prayers and Support