One of our ministries is orphanage. The orphanage building house about 35 orphans. Since Dec 2019, they have been staying in this new building, but the third floor of the building cannot be completed due to lack of fund. The lack of fund is due to pandemic and military coup situation as they have no more savings. Local donors have stop supporting the building due to present crisis.

During this period, May to Sept is raining season. As there is no roof at the third floor, the iron posts are going to rust, and the concrete slat is leaking. There is flood at the surround building and third floor. This will cause health hazard.
Let pray that God will:
1) Provide fund to build the roof. The cost is about S$3,000.
2) Take control the present situation in Myanmar.
3) Give strength and protection for church planters and the orphans
Thank You for Your Prayers and Support